Monitorovanie. ľahko. 

Merajte, Analyzujte, Vylepšujte a Kontrolujte  ...buď múdry!

smart-MAIC zariadenia pomôžu analyzovať spotrebu energie, vody, plynu, tepla, monitorovať teplotu, vlhkosť, tlak, svetlo, vietor, CO2, TDS, pH...
Akékoľvek zdroje, podmienky a udalosti v jednom rozhraní!

Príslušenstvo a možnosti pre univerzálne zariadenie smart-MAIC D105

For the complex solution, there are many third-party products that integrate with smart-MAIC devices. It may be any resources meters with pulse output, sensors with the RS485 Modbus interface, and analog sensors with the output of voltage 0-18VDC.
Ďalšie informácie o ďalších produktoch nájdete v našom Centre podpory.  Uč sa viac »

Temperature Sensor DS18b20 Waterproof

Waterproof metal case
1-Wire Digital type
Temperature range -55°C .. +125°C

3,50 € 3,50 € 3.5 EUR
Temperature/ Humidity Sensor DHT22

2 in 1: Temperature and Humidity
Temperature range -40°C .. +80°C
Humidity range 0 .. 99 %RH

5,90 € 5,90 € 5.9 EUR
Temperature/ Humidity/ Pressure Sensor D290

3 in 1: plus Atmosphere pressure
Range -40°C .. +85°C / 0 .. 99 %RH
Atmosphere pressure 300 .. 1100 hPa

11,90 € 11,90 € 11.9 EUR
Carbon dioxide CO2 Sensor RS485 Interface

CO2 particles per million air particles
Measurement range 0 .. 5000 ppm
Long Distance RS485 Interface

33,90 € 33,90 € 33.9 EUR
DR-20 Dosimeter-Radiometer and Temperature Sensor

Radiation: 0 .. 65000 μR/h
Temperature: -40°C .. +70°C
1-Wire Digital and UART

79,90 € 79,90 € 79.9 EUR
Wind Speed Sensor - Anemometer

Measuring range 0.4 .. 30 m/s
Working humidity up to 100%RH
Long Distance RS485 Interface

86,90 € 86,90 € 86.9 EUR
Wind Direction Sensor, angle step 360°/16

Graduation 16 steps of 22.5°
Working humidity up to 100%RH
Long Distance RS485 Interface

89,90 € 89,90 € 89.9 EUR
Pressure Sensor for water, air and gas, G1/4"

Standard 1/4'' plumbing thread
Pressure up to 1.2 MPa/175 psi
Analog Output 0.5 .. 4.5V

23,90 € 23,90 € 23.900000000000002 EUR
Water Flow Sensor

Connection DN15/ DN20/ DN25
High precision Hall Sensor inside
Working temperature up to 80°С

19,90 € 19,90 € 19.900000000000002 EUR
Water Depth Level Sensor

Depth on orders up to 10 mH2O
Power Supply 24VDC
Analog Output 0 .. 10V

99,00 € 99,00 € 99.0 EUR
TDS Level Sensor, salt meter

Total Dissolved Solids Sensor
Detection range 0 .. 1000 ppm
Analog Output 0 .. 2.3V

27,00 € 27,00 € 27.0 EUR
pH Level Sensor, submersible

pH Level in aquariums and pools
Detection range pH0 .. pH14
Analog Output 0 .. 2.3V

29,90 € 29,90 € 29.900000000000002 EUR
Soil Sensor

4 in 1, Waterproof 5pin probes
Long Distance RS485 Interface

96,00 € 96,00 € 96.0 EUR
Magnetic Pulse Sensor NO

Dry contact
Adhesive side
Works on a magnet

2,90 € 2,90 € 2.9 EUR
Light sensor TEMT6000

Maximum sensitivity up to 570nm
Wide angle of sensitivity ±60°
Output voltage depend on light

3,90 € 3,90 € 3.9 EUR
Solar Radiation Sensor

Measuring range: 0 . . 2000 W/m2
Spectral range: 0,3 . . 3 μm
Long Distance RS485 Interface

199,00 € 199,00 € 199.0 EUR